Class NTFileStorage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NTFileStorage
    extends TripleBasedStorage
    Will save results as NTriple File either using the provided name or the a generated one.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NTFileStorage

        public NTFileStorage()
        Uses a generated file called results_{DD}-{MM}-{YYYY}_{HH}-{mm}.nt
      • NTFileStorage

        public NTFileStorage​(java.lang.String fileName)
        Uses the provided filename
        fileName -
    • Method Detail

      • commit

        public void commit()
        Description copied from interface: Storage
        Commit a DataBlock to the Storage. Keep in mind, that all received Data is from the metrics and should be saved as it is.
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()