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Extend Languages

If you want to add query specific statistics and/or using the correct result size for an HTTP Worker (Post or Get) you can do so. (This may be interesting if you're not using SPARQL)

Let's start by implementing the LanguageProcessor

public class MyLanguageProcessor implements LanguageProcessor {

    public String getQueryPrefix() {

    public Model generateTripleStats(List<QueryWrapper> queries, String resourcePrefix, String taskID) {

    public Long getResultSize(CloseableHttpResponse response) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, ParseException, IOException {

    Long getResultSize(Header contentTypeHeader, BigByteArrayOutputStream content) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, ParseException, IOException{

    long readResponse(InputStream inputStream, BigByteArrayOutputStream responseBody) throws IOException{


Query prefix

Set a query prefix which will be used in the result set, f.e. "sql"

    public String getQueryPrefix() {
        return "sql";

Generate Query Statistics

Generating query specific statistics (which will be added in the result file)

You will get the queries (containg of an ID and the query itself) a resourcePrefix you may use to create the URIs and the current taskID.

A basic pretty standard exmaple is

    public Model generateTripleStats(List<QueryWrapper> queries, String resourcePrefix, String taskID) {
                Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        for(QueryWrapper wrappedQuery : queries) {
            Resource subject = ResourceFactory.createResource(COMMON.RES_BASE_URI + resourcePrefix + "/" + wrappedQuery.getId());
            model.add(subject, RDF.type, Vocab.queryClass);
            model.add(subject, Vocab.rdfsID, wrappedQuery.getId().replace(queryPrefix, "").replace("sql", ""));
            model.add(subject, RDFS.label, wrappedQuery.getQuery().toString());

            //ADD YOUR TRIPLES HERE which contains query specific statistics
        return model;


Get the result size

To generate the correct result size in the result file do the following

    public Long getResultSize(CloseableHttpResponse response) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, ParseException, IOException {

    InputStream inStream = response.getEntity().getContent();
    Long size = -1L;

    return size;

    public Long getResultSize(Header contentTypeHeader, BigByteArrayOutputStream content) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, ParseException, IOException {
    //Read content from Byte Array instead of InputStream
    InputStream is = new BigByteArrayInputStream(content);
    Long size=-1L;

        return size;

    public long readResponse(InputStream inputStream, BigByteArrayOutputStream responseBody) throws IOException {
    //simply moves content from inputStream to the byte array responseBody and returns the size;
    //will be used for parsing the anwser in another thread.
    return Streams.inputStream2ByteArrayOutputStream(inputStream, responseBody);